Self Care is NOT Selfish. By. Ilona Farry
We've heard this one many times in the recent past. And really, it's true. It's not selfish to love yourself, to take care of yourself, to focus on feeling good so that you can continue to pour your energy into serving others in this world.
Yet we continually deny ourselves this basic life practice in order to wear our busy-ness and burnout like a badge of honour.
What if I told you that in order to help others feel good, you need to feel good too?
In what has been nothing short of a globally unsettled year, we have been experiencing a complete revolution of our lives as we knew it one short year ago. Now we are working from home, spending more time on our own or amongst our immediate households, blurring the lines between work and personal life. We are having to revamp our eating habits, sleeping habits, exercise habits, communication habits... and it's beginning to dawn on us that life may never go back to the way it was.
So what does this mean for our wellness? Given the changes and unknowns we are in a position where we need to make the idea of routine Self Care a priority now more than ever. I know, Self Care is a buzzword that feels overused these days, but hear me out. Self Care is not just pedicures and the occasional bubble bath. Self Care is about taking steps to ensure you're not burning out physically, mentally, emotionally. How does this even look in the age of COVID? It starts with very simple and basic pillars to health:
1. Mental Wellness
2. Emotional Wellness
3. Physical Wellness
4. Spiritual Wellness
Within each of these areas are actionable things you can do to prevent yourself from burning out, overextending yourself and helping yourself to feel more rested and ready to tackle each day. Things like eating healthy, getting good sleep, carving out time to do things you enjoy, having a regular spiritual practice, doing yoga, seeing a therapist, saying no to events and even hugging loved ones are examples of ways that you can provide the love and care to yourself that is so necessary for your well-being.
Want to learn more about how you can make these sorts of things a regular occurrence in your life? Ready to Feel Good again? Join MYKW in a free " FEEL GOOD FEBRUARY CHALLENGE " beginning on February 1st, 2021 (no membership required)! Take an online interactive journey to well-being where each week we will be focusing on one of the basic pillars to wellness. Each day there will be prompts to activities that members are encouraged to participate in. Accomplish the tasks and be eligible to win prizes!
To access/join, visit the private Facebook Group here: