One of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself upon waking is to roll out your mat and practice yoga. Whether you are coming to the studio for a 6:00 am Bikram practice, or you find 5 minutes to practice some Sun Salutations at home; practicing yoga in the morning boasts a variety of benefits for your physical and mental wellbeing.
If you don’t have time to come into the studio for a morning class, know that any amount of time spent practicing yoga at home will benefit you greatly as well. If you need inspiration, try holding some of these simple yoga asanas and take note of how you feel afterwards:
Surya Namaskar/Sun Salutations: This sequence of postures was originally created to be practiced during sunrise, and they are great for stretching the whole body and aligning breath and movement.
Cat/Cow: Flowing between these two postures will help awaken the spine, resulting in less stiffness and improved circulation of energy throughout the body.
Seated Twist: Twisting the spine and core will help boost your metabolism and wring out the digestive organs.
Figure 4 Stretch: This is a great stretch for the hips, which often hold a lot of tension, especially after waking up. Loosening the hip joints early in the day will help you feel more mobile and balanced.
Child’s Pose: This yoga posture helps to open up the shoulders and back region, and is a great shape to come into to help tune into and connect with the breath.
Overall, you will find that waking up early will be easier if you know you have a fulfilling yoga practice to look forward to first thing. It is a great way to ground, awaken, and energize; setting yourself up for an amazing day. The mental benefits of morning yoga are clear. If you are participating in the #CAMHRiseUpChallenge, you may wish to practice yoga as your “sunrise moment.”
Did this post inspire you to do something good for yourself in the morning? Keep your eye on the MYKW blog for more information about self-care in the morning in the coming weeks. Every week will feature a different topic related to self-care in the morning, as we prepare for the CAMH Sunrise Challenge, which asks participants to rise with the sun and do something positive for their mental health every day for a week from May 31st-June 6th 2021. The donations raised from the challenge will go toward the CAMH's research and treatment for individuals struggling with mental health. Find out more or donate to the MYKW team at: