INTROductory SPECIAL - new students only

Unlimited memberships

(best if you are attending 3 classes a week, because consistency is key)

Unlimited membership (12 week commitment)

$150+ hst
every 28 days
Regularly $159 every 28 days (save over $100 this year, and lock in this great rate).
Enjoy unlimited classes.
Minimum 12 week commitment.
$12.50 a class, based on 3 classes a week.

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Unlimited membership (52 week commitment)

$140 + hst
every 28 days
Regularly $149 every 28 days (save over $100 this year, and lock in this great rate).
Enjoy unlimited classes.
Minimum 52 week commitment.
$11.66 a class, based on 3 classes a week.

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LImited memberships

(best if you are attending 2 classes a week)

Limited membership (12 week commitment)

$125+ hst
every 28 days
Enjoy 8 classes in a 28 day period.
Minimum 12 week commitment.
$15.63 a class.

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Limited membership (52 week commitment)

$115 + hst
every 28 days
Enjoy 8 classes in a 28 day period.
Minimum 52 week commitment.
$14.38 a class.

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Any Questions?

Interested in our military/service member discounts. Get in touch to learn more.